Saturday, July 27, 2024

Roshini Rajkumar: A Conversation on the Executive Mind

roshini rajkumar
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C-Level Magazine recently spoke with Roshini Rajkumar, presence engineer, media personality and founder of Roshini Performance Group. Rajkumar focuses her time on executive coaching and keynote speaking around the country. She’s a go-to source for teams and individuals who want to strategize their personal brands for winning results through powerful communication. We sat down to talk with her about what executives face and deal with in today’s business climate and what successful executives do to create that success.

CLM: What are the top two characteristics of the executive mindset?

Rajkumar: Vision and strategy. Successful executives spend the majority of their time focusing on vision and strategy. Their first priority must entail creating a vision for their company, their culture and competitive advantage. A close second is the strategy they implement in order to achieve this vision and a productive environment. This mindset does not happen easily. It takes effort, delegation and the right team. Plus, a lot of trust among everyone involved is needed to get results.

CLM: You talk about protecting the asset, what does that mean?

Rajkumar: Protecting the asset means building in refresh and reflection time. You are the asset or a key asset of your company. Looking at yourself as a brand, just like you look at your company as a brand, is extremely important. Part of managing this asset is to focus on short- and long-term goals that will help protect your position. Learning to say no to things that do not have positive effects on your health or your vision is essential. Look at yourself like you look at your company and protect yourself like you work to protect your company.

CLM: Are there any good examples in our marketplace?

Rajkumar: Yes, there are a number of CEOs and C-suite executives who are extremely good at protecting their asset. The best make sure their own fitness is a priority. Some are well-known CEOs from companies like 3M and Target. But one I’ve personally witnessed is John Sweeney, AKA “jiggly boy,” and owner of Brave New Workshop. He embraces and protects his brand through balance. When you see or meet Mr. Sweeney, you know he is working for the good of his company, building a stronger presence for himself and the Brave New Workshop, all while being a great husband and father. He’s given his sons fabulous learning opportunities by taking them with him, when possible, to faraway lands where he’s hired to appear. He is a mentor to other business owners and has a winning sense of humor – likely his best trait.


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