Friday, September 20, 2024

Scanning Technology Is Changing The Landscape of Business Processes

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Since the mid ’80s, many businesses have stuck with the same old methods of using spreadsheets and data entry to track information. Why the lack of change? According to Andrew Berry, CEO of Berry Wing, many organizations don’t realize how inexpensive replacement technology is, such as scanning equipment.

What kind of scanning equipment is available now?

Forget those bulky, expensive scanners. Right now, there are a variety of devices that can collect data just as easily, yet faster and more accurately than data entry. That includes voice recognition programs, wearable displays, wearable ring barcode scanners, and Bluetooth beacons.


Especially helpful are the “bring your own device” opportunities. Anyone can use their smart phone, with a scanning app to do just about anything a dedicated scanning device can do. And, businesses tend to think that a phone has to be within cell coverage in order for scanning to work. However, information can be added directly to your phone and then you can run those updates once you’re within a coverage location. That’s especially helpful for companies that have employees in the field.

Plus, apps can be modified to do a variety of things that a company needs, including using attachments. The trick is to find a company that can work with your team to develop the right solution.

What are the other advantages to scanning?

Specifically, you have much better accuracy in your data with scanning versus someone typing the information. Lowering overhead has been possible for some companies as they are now able to keep a more accurate count of inventory.

It’s also very easy to teach employees how to use a barcode scanning device. In addition, barcodes are relatively easy to print or create, they can even be etched into materials, such as direct part marking which is being used heavily in medical equipment.

How do you identify a process that can use barcode scanning?

Many companies have a process where an employee is entering data into a spreadsheet. That’s more than likely where a company can streamline. For example, if they’re processing inventory replenishment through use of typing information into a spreadsheet, that’s definitely something that barcode scanning can fix.

Another example would be a company that goes out and fixes equipment. If they have a team using a spreadsheet to enter the piece of equipment that they worked on and what work they did, they could replace all of that with a quick scanning process.

Start by taking a closer look at your business processes and what type of information your employees are gathering. You’ll probably find something that can be simplified through barcode scanning.

If you are interested in learning more about scanning technology and app development, you can contact Brandon Archer or Andrew Berry at 1 (651) 560-9464 or find out more on their website at

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